Dental Implants

Dental Implants

It is the best option to replace lost teeth, which are surgically implanted in the bone, and the roots of the missing teeth are compensated by a fixed titanium root, which is implanted in the bone, and because this process is simple under local anesthesia to obtain permanent teeth as they merge with the jaw bones.
Implants do not in any way affect the teeth or surrounding tissues. It takes place within a short period of time ranging from 30 minutes to an hour of time.


Mobile structures were developed that exposed people to a lot of embarrassment when eating and talking as well as were affected on the jaw bone, which made science more purely about the best solution for this human lately and then replaced the mobile installations fixed structures by implants.
• Implant keeps the jaw bone in place of the missing tooth
• The implant does not cause damage to neighboring teeth and keeps them safe.
Because when the doctor implants the tooth, he can replace the walls of the tooth and cover without sculpting and do not damage the neighboring teeth healthy.
• The implant is now compensating for natural teeth.

How successful are dental implants and their age

For dental implants success is based on the quality of the implant used, the success rate is very high up to 90% for the upper jaw and 95% for the lower jaw.
The age of the implant lasts for a long time, if the patient takes good care of the teeth, the average age for the implant is 30 years.

DentiCare was founded in the first place to create absolutely beautiful smiles.

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