Dental Care

Dental Care

To maintain the health and safety of teeth there are many things that must be maintainedTeeth are solid bones in the form of small pieces, immersed in a flesh frame called the gums. They are arranged appropriately within the human jaw. Milky, which begins to fall after a certain age to grow permanent teeth, and teeth have great benefits, most notably facilitating the process of eating, which is the secret of the beautiful smile and attractive appearance, so it is very important to pay attention to the health of the teeth and care for them, and must maintain a bright white color, To maintain the health and safety of teeth there are many things that must be preserved, the most important of which will be presented in this article.

Dental Care Tips

  • Stay away from soft drinks, and avoid too much coffee and tea.
  • Brushing and toothpaste three times a day, especially after eating and before bedtime.
  • Eat foods rich in calcium such as dairy products and some types of vegetables and fruits to strengthen and protect teeth.
  • Visit your dentist periodically to check for decay and inflammation that may cause greater problems if not treated.
  • It is recommended to use an electronic toothbrush to remove the plaque that has accumulated on the teeth.If you cannot get an electronic toothbrush, it is recommended to use a small toothbrush and clean the teeth manually and properly.
  • Do not eat too much sweets and chocolate, which may help increase the rate of tooth decay.
  • Drinking enough water during the day helps to maintain and protect dental health.
  • Do not use teeth to break hard objects such as nuts, or open gas cans.
  • Eating good quality sugar-free gum helps protect your teeth by increasing the amount of saliva that keeps your teeth.
  • Use some natural elements to whiten teeth and maintain a bright color, especially after drinking coffee or soft drinks, through the use of lemon juice with food salt, and use a clean toothbrush to rub teeth with this solution, then wash the teeth well, or use lemon peel through rubbing In the teeth, these materials contribute significantly to whitening teeth and give them a bright and attractive color.

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